Community Input Process
Community input and support is absolutely critical to the success of any masterplan. Knowing this, the Bismarck Riverfront Idea organized a robust stakeholder engagement process over a period of 12 months. More than 70 stakeholder groups with ties to the Missouri River participated in a diverse offering of input methods including:
4 Days of Stakeholder Input Sessions
15 Individual Stakeholder Interviews
54 Unique Questionnaires sent to Individual Stakeholders
5 Presentations to Community Leadership Groups
Public Concert + Performing Arts + Visual Preference Survey

Music on the Missouri
A highlight of the community input process was a concert and performing arts performance held at Keelboat Park. The event was organized by the Dakota West Arts Council, the City of Bismarck, the Fort Abraham Lincoln Foundation, Bismarck-Burleigh Public Health and other community partners. This event became a demonstration project showing what a community activated riverfront could look and feel like.
An informational booth at the event included a visual preference survey where participants could support ideas of riverfront improvements they would most like to see. Feedback from the event was overwhelmingly positive.
Impactful Stakeholder Comments:
“The beauty of the Missouri River is on par with that of the Badlands.”
“The river is part of our region’s culture and heritage.”
“You shouldn’t have to own a boat to enjoy the river.”
“Kayaking has become increasingly popular on the Missouri River.”
“I wish there were more family-friendly events by the river.”
“Do visitors to Bismarck realize we are a river city?”
“Signage that directs people to the riverfront would be helpful.”
“It is difficult to get down to the riverfront trail by bicycle.”
“This event (Music on the Missouri) was great! Does this happen every week?”
“We cannot build public infrastructure like an amphitheater without a plan for programming it.”
“Our trail systems are incredible. We should continue to expand upon what we already have.”